Domestic Reference Price
Fecha: 2025-02-28
Domestic reference price for the purchase of dry parchment coffee per load of 125 Kg. This price varies according to distance from the point of purchase to the farm. Coffee grower cooperatives cover, at this price, all costs related to the coffee collection service to producers. For more information about the price.
NYKC: ¢/lb
Fecha: 2025-02-28
This value is represented in US dollar cents per pound. For more information about the price.
Exchange rate
Fecha: 2025-02-28
For more information about the price
Low-grade coffee price
Fecha: 2025-02-28
Reference price for purchase of low-grade coffee (“pasilla”) per point of production in an arroba. For more information about the price, click here.
Fecha: 2024-07-12
This is the value of the compensation per load of coffee and its compensation will vary according to the Sisben category to which the coffee grower belongs. Keep in mind that the value cannot be greater than the following:
Sisben A: $86.500 per charge
Sisben B: $86.000 per charge
Sisben C: $84.100 per charge
Clic here for more info.

Regional Designations of Origin

The DOR are the certifications of origin assigned to some specific coffee growing departments in the Colombian territory, which also have special characteristics of the zone and the process that they carry out. So far these are the DORs that the Superintendence of Industry and Trade has granted:

Browse the map and click on the coffee departments to learn more.

of Origin Cauca

The Denomination of Origin (DO) Cafe del Cauca as a protection instrument, protects the coffee produced in the region, which is characterized by having a cup profile with high acidity, medium body, balanced global impression, clean, soft cup with some sweet notes and floral, with very strong and caramelized aromas.

These attributes are due to factors such as longer hours of solar brightness, the constant weather throughout the year and the protection provided by the high mountains of strong winds and humidity from the Pacific.

It is by virtue of these factors that on August 10, 2011, the regulatory state agency named Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC), through the Resolution No. 41788 declared the protection of the DO Cafe de Cauca by request of the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros. Also, on November 26, 2013 through Resolution No. 69903; the SIC delegated the Faculty to Authorize the use of the DO Cafe del Cauca in the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros.

For those who wish to be authorized users of the DO Cafe de Cauca this is the Regulation of use.

DO Cauca, Authorized Companies

of Origin Tolima

On January 30, 2017, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) through Resolution No. 2458 declared the protection of the DO Café del Tolima at the request of the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros and delegated to this organization the authority to authorize the use of the DO in coffee of the region.

The Denomination of Origin (DO) Café del Tolima as a protection instrument, covers the coffee produced in the region, which is characterized by having a cup profile with acidity and medium-high, clean, soft body, with balance and diverse flavors in the spectrum of sweets, combined with citrus and fruit sensations.

These attributes are due to factors such as the distribution of rainfall throughout the year, the warm climate that allows flowering events twice a year and the soils of sandy texture, which benefits crops with a higher availability of nutrients.For those who wish to be authorized users of the DO Cafe de Tolima this is the Regulation of Use.

DO Tolima, Authorized Companies

of Origin Huila

The Denomination of Origin Cafe del Huila protects the mild washed Arabica coffee, which is identified by having a balanced global impression, with sweet notes, acidity and medium/high body, and intense fragrance/aroma with fruity and caramel notes. This cup profile is derived from the climatic, geographical and typical factors of this region, such as fewer hours of solar brightness (3.5 hours / day) due to cloudiness, constant temperatures during the day that favor the accumulation of chemical compounds in the fruit and ranges of height between 1000 and 2200 meters (m.a.s.l.). Obtaining as a result a coffee bean with a uniform cup characteristics despite the chemical variations that occur in the roasting process.

Upon request of the Federacion Nacional De Cafeteros, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) issued the Resolution No. 17989 of April 16, 2013, in which the protection of Cafe de Huila is declared as Protected Designation of Origin. Also, on November 26, 2013, through Resolution No. 69904; the SIC delegated the Faculty to Authorize the use of the DO Cafe del Huila in the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros.

For those who wish to be authorized users of the DO Cafe de Huila this is the Regulation of Use.

DO Huila, Authorized Companies

of Origin Nariño

It has been shown that the quality of Nariño Coffee is due to factors such as the high content of organic matter in the soil, the high altitude where it is grown and the low temperatures that force the plant to conserve its sweetness. Giving as a final result a drink of high acidity, medium body, sweet notes, clean, soft cup, and very pronounced aroma.

In order to protect the exceptional characteristics of Cafe de Nariño, on February 11, 2011, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) issued the Resolution No. 06093, through which it declares the protection of the DO Cafe de Nariño. Also, on November 26, 2013, through Resolution No. 69902; the SIC delegated the Faculty to Authorize the use of the DO Cafe de Nariño in the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros.

For those who wish to be authorized users of the DO Cafe de Nariño this is the Regulation of Use.

DO Nariño, Authorized Companies

of Origin Santander

The Denomination of Origin (DO) Cafe de Santander is a protection instrument that protects the coffee produced in this region, seeks to protect not only the reputation that this coffee has in the world for its clean and balanced cup profile with medium-high body; medium acidity, with sweet, herbal, fruity flavors and with slight citrus notes, but also all those special climatic and cultivation conditions that make it special.

Thanks to the Santander Coffee Zone being characterized mainly by having a technical system of cultivation under shade, which allows to have homogeneous temperatures, favoring the slower development of the fruit, which promotes the accumulation of sugars and generating a concentrated harvest, which facilitates the homogeneous collection of the fruits in their optimum point of maturity, the Coffee of Santander became deserving of the special protection offered by the Denomination of Origin.

Therefore, in order to protect the exceptional characteristics of the Cafe de Santander, on August 25, 2014, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) issued the Resolution No. 50042, through which it declares the protection of the DO Café de Santander, and delegated the Faculty of Authorizing the use of the DO Cafe del Santander in the Federation Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia.

For those who wish to be authorized users of the DO Cafe de Santander this is the Regulation of Use.

DO Santander, Authorized Companies

of Origin Sierra Nevada

On January 30, 2017, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) through Resolution No. 2484 declared the protection of the DO Café de la Sierra Nevada at the request of the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros and delegated to this organization the power to authorize the use of the DO Café de Sierra Nevada.

The Denomination of Origin (DO) Café de la Sierra Nevada as a protection instrument covers coffee produced in thirty-three municipalities located in the departments of Magdalena, Guajira and Cesar. In addition, it is characterized by having a clean and balanced cup profile with medium-high and uniform body; medium acidity, with chocolate assimilable flavors. As for its fragrance and aroma, sweet and nutty notes can be perceived.

The aforementioned attributes are due to factors such as high luminosity and low rainfall during the year, which lead to the coffee growing in Sierra Nevada to be sown under total shade. Additionally, the high humidity of the area and its low nutrient clay soils differentiate this area from other coffee producing areas in the country.

For those who wish to be authorized users of the DO Cafe de Sierra Nevada this is the Regulation of Use.

DO Sierra Nevada, Authorized Companies

Companies and Trademarks Authorized

For a list of authorized Companies and Trademarks, see listings:

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