Domestic Reference Price
Fecha: 2025-02-28
Domestic reference price for the purchase of dry parchment coffee per load of 125 Kg. This price varies according to distance from the point of purchase to the farm. Coffee grower cooperatives cover, at this price, all costs related to the coffee collection service to producers. For more information about the price.
NYKC: ¢/lb
Fecha: 2025-02-28
This value is represented in US dollar cents per pound. For more information about the price.
Exchange rate
Fecha: 2025-02-28
For more information about the price
Low-grade coffee price
Fecha: 2025-02-28
Reference price for purchase of low-grade coffee (“pasilla”) per point of production in an arroba. For more information about the price, click here.
Fecha: 2024-07-12
This is the value of the compensation per load of coffee and its compensation will vary according to the Sisben category to which the coffee grower belongs. Keep in mind that the value cannot be greater than the following:
Sisben A: $86.500 per charge
Sisben B: $86.000 per charge
Sisben C: $84.100 per charge
Clic here for more info.

From bean to cup

100% Colombian Coffee is a testimony of work, tradition and love for our land. Explore with us the story behind each cup, from the time the seed germinates until you enjoy a cup of Colombian coffee.

From bean to cup

Production of Coffee in Colombia

Coffee begins its journey at Cenicafé, a global pioneer in research and cultivation methods.

Coffee begins its journey at Cenicafé, a global pioneer in research and cultivation methods.

Coffee begins its journey at Cenicafé, a global pioneer in research and cultivation methods.
540,000 Colombian families grow coffee with passion and dedication, supported by the National Federation of Coffee Growers.

540,000 Colombian families grow coffee with passion and dedication, supported by the National Federation of Coffee Growers.

540,000 Colombian families grow coffee with passion and dedication, supported by the National Federation of Coffee Growers.
Each pound of roasted coffee is the fruit of 1,900 hand-selected cherries.

Each pound of roasted coffee is the fruit of 1,900 hand-selected cherries.

Each pound of roasted coffee is the fruit of 1,900 hand-selected cherries.

Click on each image to see the complete production process of our coffee.

The seeds start their life in bags.

1. Germination

1. Germination

Plants are moved to receive the sun.

2. Seedbeds

2. Seedbeds

Each cherry is hand picked.

3. Collection

3. Collection

The almonds are washed and dried in the open air.

4. Washing and Drying

4. Washing and Drying

The coffee is threshed to remove the parchment.

5. Threshing

5. Threshing

The coffee is roasted until it obtains its characteristic color and flavor.

6. Toasted

6. Toasted

Grind and ready to prepare and enjoy!

7. Preparation

7. Preparation
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